Claude Lafrance
Born in 1960, Claude Lafrance lives and works in Montréal.
After graduating in graphic design in 1980, he worked in advertising, fifirst as a graphic designer, then as an illustrator, moving from traditional hyperrealistic illustration
to digital illustration, and later he specialized in photo retouching and photomontage. His work has been rewarded with many awards.
Alongside these professional activities, he began an artistic process of pictorial creation mainly inspired by lyrical abstraction.
Over the years, he gradually gave more time to his creative work, eventually devoting himself entirely to it.
Concretely, Claude Lafrance seek in the act of painting a state of mind, a state of consciousness where he sometimes loose control over his actions, without rules or hesitation,
and inversely, sometimes requiring a patient reflection marked by hesitations. His artworks suggest a conversation, as much as they are witnesses of introspective
and solitary moments. He certainly hope that they expose the audience to vast uncertainties, something tangible and open to various interpretations.
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