Julie Savard

''Art in life, art in nature is my inspiration. Elements of nature often neglected, I exhibit them to be seen by all. Through the work of metals, my sculptures express tension between nature and culture. Linear forms, suppleness and energy are added to this contrast. Thus, through textures and shapes, my creations translate the craziness of organic life, the elegance of the vegetable kingdom and the astonishment of the animal world. Volume is often the result of an accumulation of elements creating a captivating space by letting light and colour glide on the finesse of the material. My work exudes an atmosphere at times intimate, at times full of movement, yet intriguing.''

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25 August 2023

New Location in Baie-D'Urfé

21500 Route Transcanadienne, Baie d'Urfé H9X 4B7.

18 July 2018


Please take note that from now on, there will be fees applied to artwork appraisals for insurance purposes.

 Opening hours

Every day 10 am to 6 pm   

Closed on December 25th and January 1st