Benoît Lévesque

Born in Québec City in 1964, Benoît Lévesque is a continuously evolving artist. Working in visual arts since 1979, he has been exploring various trends while developing a very personal pictorial approach, from impressionism to abstract expressionism. ''The subject in my artworks is only a pretext. Through composition and treatment, the pictorial space of the painting is defined by an organic structure in motion. Whether atmospheric or more organizational, it is supported by colour, light and gestural spontaneity. The approach is no longer oriented but imposes itself. References to figurative and abstract blend together. With practice, I noticed that the subconscious plays a major role in the construction of an artwork, a key actor at the service of the pictorial matter. Being alert and available to the emotion of the moment, I am not only the witness but an integral part of a whole in the action. This symbiosis imparts timelessness to the artwork where past, present and future are bound. In recent years, my travels have led me to an interest in the interaction between man and his environment, an interaction that unites and moulds. Meeting people in their daily life allowed me to deepen my pictorial approach, to better express myself artistically by translating the essential in my artworks.'' A graduate of Laval University in Plastic Arts (1988) and in Graphic Communication (1991), this very talented artist has in the last twenty years participated in numerous solo exhibitions, public performance and many collective exhibitions namely in Sakai and Kyoto, Japan. His artworks are found in corporate and private collections.

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25 August 2023

New Location in Baie-D'Urfé

21500 Route Transcanadienne, Baie d'Urfé H9X 4B7.

18 July 2018


Please take note that from now on, there will be fees for appraisals of an artwork’s value for insurance...

 Opening hours

Every day from 10 AM to 6 PM

Closed on December 25th and January 1st