Francine et Bernard Paquin Frenette
The paintings, whose themes are inspired by elements of nature, are located between the abstract and the figurative and reveal a very personal style among the other forms of pictorial expression. The writing and graphics of a modern and rupestrian influence are patiently carved on clay sheets, conferring a rich and varied texture to the artwork. Works are painted and engraved with spontaneousness, the foremost quality of the first artists sketching their creations on the walls of Cosquer and Lascaux. Acrylic painting is employed in a clair-obscur fashion with warm semitones, highlighting the nuances of the very colours with which nature impregnates stone and rock. Spawned from consciousness and intuition, the work moves the viewer and, through this new experience, brings comfort and tranquillity. Sensitivity, a profound passion for art, as well as a devotion to work, engenders a continuous mutation of writing, always aspiring to more beauty and harmony. "I only keep what is a picture of the human heart" (Stendhal).
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